Monday 25 August 2014


Enjoy the spring wind that swipes through the fields and make the grass sway..enjoy it’s gentle touch on your face as it calls out the freckles from their hideaways Enjoy the summer breeze as it dries the pearls of sweat on your forehead on a hot day.. Enjoy the autumn wind as it plays with the fallen, golden leaves along the road… Enjoy the cold winter wind that cuts through snowy rooftops desperately trying to find a way to get under your furry coat… Enjoy the sunshine as it motivates you to be adventurous, it urges you to go and explore..let it be a moorland, a forest, or just a nice pub with a garden… Enjoy the wind as it is change.. bringing with itself freshness, blowing away old things..allowing you to start something new.. Enjoy the rain as it keeps the meadows green..enjoy the light summer shower…go out and dance, let the raindrops wash away your worries, cleanse your soul and fill you with renewed energy....enjoy the autumn rain as it makes you find time for yourself whilst you get snug at home with a cup of tea.. Enjoy the winter for it creates a special atmosphere..enjoy the heat radiating from the fireplace, the smell of mulled wine, and the sound of crackling wood… Enjoy the love that surrounds you…enjoy time spent with your family and friends.. Enjoy sports..enjoy walking…enjoy driving through the beautiful countryside…enjoy traveling Enjoy the smells…of a delicious dinner…of a nice cup of coffee…of a flower…of a perfume…of the crops..the hay…the steam after a heavenly shower on a hot summer day… Enjoy reading…enjoy learning…enjoy working…enjoy the challenges…enjoy your successes and don’t let your “failures” let you down..for those are not failures, but lessons from life that will make you stronger, wiser…better… Enjoy dancing…enjoy singing…enjoy watching a movie.. Enjoy being with people, and enjoy being alone…for you are never really alone, and yet always alone Enjoy the fog for it wraps the world in mystery… Enjoy the music for it makes the soul celebrate and your heart dance… Enjoy the night…the stars…the moon…your dreams.. Enjoy the mountains, the valleys, the plateaus, the hills, the deserts… There are so many things to enjoy…and yet it’s so easy for people to dwell on things they are not satisfied with, and be miserable instead (I’m no exception, however at least trying)…but the thing is…satisfaction does not depend on anything else, but us… one can look for it everywhere, but it can only be found within ourselves..If one wants to find joy, one will….it’s only a matter of choice…